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2013慕尼黑參展商簡介: 桂林市邁特光學儀器有限公司

激光制造網(wǎng) 來源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要評論(0 )   

公司中文名稱: 桂林市邁特光學儀器有限公司 公司英文名稱: Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 廣西桂林市信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū) 英文地址: IT Industrial...

公司中文名稱: 桂林市邁特光學儀器有限公司

公司英文名稱: Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 廣西桂林市信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)

英文地址: IT Industrial Park,Hi-Tech Zone Guilin

總部: 中國/China

地區(qū): 廣西

展位編號: W1.1545

網(wǎng)址: www.mto.com.cn

公司中文描述: 桂林市邁特光學儀器有限公司 坐落于“山水甲天下”的桂林市高新技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園內(nèi),占地20多畝,建筑面積16000多平方米,注冊資本3000萬元,是從事各種體視顯微鏡、單筒視頻顯微系統(tǒng)、工業(yè)產(chǎn)品自動檢測系統(tǒng)、測繪儀器及軟件的研制、開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售的專業(yè)生產(chǎn)廠家。公司創(chuàng)立于2001年3月21日,憑著強勁的技術(shù)實力、豐富的經(jīng)驗、優(yōu)良的管理和一流的服務,迅速發(fā)展成為品種齊全、實力雄厚的外向型高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。   邁特光學自主研發(fā)的MZDA1490系列、MZDB1175系列高對比度成正像顯微鏡填補了國內(nèi)空白, 連續(xù)變倍及定倍單筒視頻顯微系統(tǒng)品種齊全(總共達160多種),清晰度、分辨率及同軸照明的效果達到國內(nèi)同行業(yè)領先水平,特別適合于工業(yè)測量系統(tǒng)、LCD檢測及微電子的視頻觀察分析。邁特顯微鏡以其高分辨率,高清晰度,景深大,工作距離長,結(jié)構(gòu)新穎,品種齊全的優(yōu)良性能價格比贏得越來越多的用戶的信任。 產(chǎn)品大量出口到北美、歐洲、日本、臺灣和香港等地,廣泛應用于生物學、醫(yī)學、工業(yè)、環(huán)保、材料、公安刑偵、微電子和精密加工領域。

公司英文描述: Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO) is located in Hi-tech Zone, Guilin City--a very famous touring city famed for "The mountains and rivers are the finest under heaven".MTO occupies more than 20 Chinese acres floor area, building area more than 16000 square meters, the registered capital 30,000,000 Yuan. MTO is special company to research, empolder, produce and sell all kinds of stereo microscopes, monocular video microscope systems, industry produce auto test system, surveying instrument and software. MTO is established on 21. March 2001. By means of its powerful technical force, rich experience, excellent management method and first-class service, MTO is becoming a production extroversion enterprise step by step, which is broad in scale, has a good assortment and solid technical force. MTO independently research and develop MZDA1490 series and MZDB175 series high-contrasted erecting image microscopes fill up the local blank. MTO produces kinds of stereo microscopes and monocular video microscope systems (over 160 types). The definition, resolution, depth of field and the effect of coaxial illumination is the lead in the same internal industry. Especially fit for industry measuring system, LCD checking and video observing analysis of microelectronics. MTO microscopes with its high-resolution, high-definition, large depth of fields, long working distance, novel configuration, complete variety and accessories and favored price win more and more credit from customers. Large numbers of products are exported to North American, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and Hongkong etc. MTO microscopes can be applied in biology, medicine, industry, environmental protection, material, police, microelectronics and exact manufacture.

行業(yè):    光學

主要產(chǎn)品:    光學   鏡頭   光學測量系統(tǒng) 



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