Should the new shears meet all your requirements regarding maximum working width and be able to produce parts in very large quantities and to the highest precision? If thats the case, the TruShear Series 8000 offers everything you need.
Category Guillotine Shear
Product TruShear Series 8000
Application For cutting almost all metallic materials
Guillotine shears of the TruShear Series 8000 can be configured just like those of the TruShear Series 5000:
NC-controlled backgauge, which can be swung upward for working longer sheets, adjustment range: 10 mm - 1000 mm.
Shadow line for cutting to scribed line
Cut length limitation
Elgo control with program mode for different cutting widths and quantities (4 axes); stand-by operation
Quantity and elapsed time counters (with total machine ON time)
Safety fence with cabinet behind the machine
On request, hand guard also possible with fold-up segments
Double bracket with side stop, measuring scale and T-slot, 1300 mm long
Single brackets with measuring scale and T-slot, 1300 mm long
Hydraulic hold-down with plastic inserts, to hold the sheet down without marring it
Technical data
TruShear Series 8000
max. sheet thickness
(strength max. 450 N/mm2) [mm] on request
max. cutting length [mm] on request
max. cutting angle [° ] on request
max. stroke rate [1/min] on request